The history of the scientific discovery of a natural law is represented in the monograph. The unknown before regularity which was found in the Earth’s biosphere exhibited in leftism and rightism forces and their dissymmetry spread as a strictly regulated geometrical structure was named «The Earth’s Form Field» by the author. The main content of the monograph is a description of the discovery of a constructive order in relations between a human being and the environment. The author described such phenomena in the nature as: existence of leftism and rightism energy; phenomenon of its spread in the biosphere’s space; existence of the biosphere’s dissymmetry; existence of left and right types of living organisms in flora and fauna; biospheric pathogenic areas and their influence of living and non-living matter; rhythmical processes of leftism and rightism fluctuations and so on.
The author showed that the phenomena revealed by him are easy to find in the surrounding space. Besides the author focuses on the fact that the processes supervised in a living organism or in the Earth’s biosphere on the whole are similar and are firmly connected with the processes in the cosmic space, i.e. processes that occur in the Universe. In his work the author proved that one cannot divide the natural philosophy of a living matter from natural philosophy of the space: namely the common thing in their structure should find itself in the basis of the Universe’s pattern. It is obvious that it is high time for new hypotheses, for new models built-up on their basis; work-out of theories of many phenomena that were not explained by the science before. Present unsatisfactory condition of the World’s pattern was first discussed in 2009 in the framework of the I International Conference named «The Crisis in Cosmology». Our world is on the threshold of a regular revision of scientific ideas of the phenomena taking place in it. The well-known European scientist Dr. Mageiju who revealed and described the dissymmetrical model of the Universe named «Dark axis» (2008) claims that: «The standard model is ugly and tricky. I hope its final is near at hand. Nevertheless the theory which is to change it will have to describe the whole aggregate of facts – including those that were quite satisfactory described by the standard model. And it would be extremely difficult.»
The revealed phenomenon of energetic dissymmetry by the author in the biosphere certainly appears to be the reason for molecular and cellular dissymmetry in a matter. Probably it also has a primary importance in the processes of origin and support of life on the planet. Beyond any doubt the Earth’s Form Field is a consequence of a dissymmetrical structure of the Universe which influence covers all objects of the biosphere starting from formation of a molecular compound to elaboration of various forms of living organisms. The fundamentality of the discovery made by the author acknowledges the revealed principle of dividing living organisms into left and right types the basis of which is laid by dissymmetry in human apparatus and that of animals and plants. The most important achievement is that this new knowledge provided the basis for up-to-date solutions in medicine and ecology, governed the creation of a principally new Concept of organization of a healthy and safe life of a human being of the planet.
MATEZ (International Academy of Fine-Field Ecology and Health)
Moscow, tel.: +7(903) 787 97 17, +7(905) 594 42 92
History. Ideologist and founder of «International Academy of the Fine-Field Ecology and Health» Vladimir Alekseevich Nekrasov devoted more than 20 years to the research of structure of biosphere and a human, elaboration of a universal theory of a form field and creation of a new fine-field conception in the natural science.
Nekrasov Vladimir Alekseevich, the president of the academy NP MATEZ, doctor of Biology, academician of RANS, RAMTS, EANS, the author of more than 20 discovered regularities, more than a dozen of inventions and some monographs, decorated with an order of the Golden Eagle by EANS, Yury Gagrin, Korolev medals and a medal for rescue of drowning men in 1988 during a big flood on the Inguri River in Georgia.
The discovery of biospheric dissymmetry and geometrical law in its distribution, which is called «the Earth’s Form Field»; the discovery of the essence of a field of a geometrical shape and the mechanisms of interaction of form fields became the basis to develop special means — «form field modulators», which nowadays are the basis of the fine-filed technologies in medicine and ecology. Thus, it determined the beginning of creating the fine-field medicine.
For the first time the results of the experiments by influence of form modulators on a biological material were published in the Report № 114 dated 15.12.1999 about the influence of form modulators on the indices of clinical blood analysis. (The center of energy and information research, Tver). Examinations of the influence of form field modulators were carried out in other laboratories as well (see 2-5). In 2002 the modulators of fine fields got the name «NEKRASOV’S MATRIX MODULATOR», the certificate on a useful model № 24747 dated August 20, 2002.
The fine-field conception was based on the hypotheses of V.I. Vernadsky about existence of the leftism-rightism energy in biosphere and about its dissymmetry. Despite L. Pasteur was the first who discovered the phenomenon of molecular dissymmetry in a living substance as far back as in the first half of the XIX century, it had seemed impossible to prove the hypothetical suppositions of Pasteur about cosmic causes of dissymmetry for a long time. The discovery of the Earth’s Form Field is convincingly evidence of the fact, that there is always an energy factor in biosphere, which displays the features of the leftism and rightism and being responsible for all processes of formation and development of a living substance.
At the beginning of the nineties V.A. Nekrasov got the first experimental corroborations of the theory being developed. The project of a wide monitoring of biosphere to reveal the structure of the Earth’s Form Field was started. In the first experiments by exploration of biospheric dissymmetry there were used simple polyarimeters, and other devices, which did not provide with sufficient accuracy. A technical basis was improving and when the academy was advancing, the experiments became to be carried out all over the world (see Fig.).
In 2001 at the international symposium «Monitoring of health and environment. Technology and information data base» a fine-field conception and the discovery of the Earth’s Form Field were presented for the first time to the public at large. The subject of the report was «Energy and information radiations of Earth and their influence on human health», where the question of energy structure in the Earth’s biosphere was broadly discussed from a position of existence of the leftism-rightism energy and its dissymmetry, and the conception of biopathogenic radiations in biosphere (radiations of biospheric pathogenic zones) and developed means and methods of protection as well were presented.
At the beginning of the 2000-s it started the construction of the ecological base of MATEZ, theoretical and practical center on Bolshoy Irgiz river, where the research scientific work expanded with participation of biologists, ecologists and other specialists. The results of the scientific research was reported more than once at different international and Russian thematic conferences, congresses and etc. The fine-field technology became to be called LR-technology, because the basis of creation was the knowledge of the leftism-rightism energy and its dissymmetry as the basic feature of natural and artificial form fields (see Fig.)
The first forum united the specialists, who already got the first convincing results in the sphere of application of LR-technology, took place in 2007.
The 1st INTERNATIONAL THEORETICAL and PRACTICLE CONFERENCE «Actual questions of theory and practice of a form field in biology, medicine and construction (Russia, Pugachev-2007).
The conference was held by the Russian Academy of Natural Science and Russian Academy of medical and technical sciences and the Highest Ecological Council of Russia.
The participants and guests of the Conference became the people, who devoted many years to study and practical application of the fine-field branch in science, as well as those who worried about organization of a long and healthy life, safe vital activity. Among them: Gubanov Vladimir Vasilyevich, cosmonaut of the First Cosmonaut Group, Counsellor of the President of the Russian Federation, vice-president of the Intergovernmental organization «Life» by Cosmos and high technology, Laureate of the USSR State Prize in science and engineering; Nikitin Albert Nikolaevich, D.E., prof., academician, vice-president of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Laureate of the USSR State Prize, chairman of the branch of «Noospheric knowledge and technology»; Chervenets Vyacheslav Mikhailovich, M.D., prof., head of department of microbiology in The Tver State Medical Academy; Raison Steve, Canadian Net of nature conservation, ecologist, chairman of board of directors, Toronto, Canada; Mario Serrano, doctor, director of Russian-Latin American medical center of treatment of chronic diseases, Bogota, and others.
Today. Nowadays a big team is working in NP MATEZ, uniting specialists of different countries and cooperating with laboratories all over the world. Scientific research and experimental work never stops within the new discoveries, new technology is developing, seminars and scientific and practical conferences are held to exchange experience and knowledge.
The participants of the Conference are the people of different professions, who are united by a creative approach to solve the tasks of organization of a healthy life style, who carry for the present and future of the planet and humanity in whole.
The foundations of the general theory of a form field establish a physical essence of distribution of the cellular structure of the leftism-rightism energy and its dissymmetry in interelation with theoretical achievements of L. Pasteur, P. Curie, V. Vernadsky, A. Gurvich and other scientists of the XIX-XX centuries.
The general theory of a form field ensures:
– new comprehension of the processes in the Earth’s biosphere and in the Universe;
– comprehension of the causes of manifestation of the leftism-rightism in living systems on our planet;
– comprehension of the causes of origin of the geometrical structure of the Earth’s Form Field, the leftism-rightism energy in it and its biospheric pathogenic zones.
The knowledge of the geometrical law of distribution of the biospheric dissymmetry and topography of the structural elements of the Earth’s Form Field, and the fine-field rhythmodynamics as well will ensure prevention of many anthropogenic disasters in future and enable to reduce considerably a risk of human loss and economic damage as the result of natural disasters. Everything listed above indicates, that it is necessary to create a system of the knowledge in society, which is based on the discovered laws of the biospheric structure, cosmic space, surrounding the Earth and the character of interrelations and correlations of the systems: «cell – human – Earth – Universe».